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Why many manufactures choose the induction heat treatment furnace ?

 Why many manufactures choose the induction heat treatment furnace ?

In recent past ten years, There are lots of applications for induction heating system in industry and manufacturing including soldering, surface hardening, tempering, bonding, melting  and  forging so on.The induction heat treatment furnace is the specific application for the induction heating,Why many manufactures choose the induction heat treatment furnace ?

1.With high energy costs,the induction heat treatment furnace has  been proved that induction heating does save the company a lot of money.

2.Mainly because no energy wasted in heating up unwanted parts of the metal object.

3.The depth of heating can be adjusted by using different high frequencies:low frequencies may heat up the surface of the metallic object, while high frequencies cause the heat to penetrate deeper into the metallic object being brazed or welded. Depending on the type of job to perform, induction heat treatment furnace  is available and suitable choice for your production.

Forever furnace company built in 1999, which have been supply hundreds of induction heat treating equipment to the customers.Our company own the professional technical team to offer the strong support for you. 


Post time: 07-02-2016