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What is the advantage of bar induction heating furnace than traditional heating methods?

What is the advantage of bar induction heating furnace than traditional heating methods?

Now induction heating technology has been widely used both in life and production. Compared with the traditional heating methods, what are the advantages of bar induction heating furnace? As the specialist of bar induction heating furnace, we will tell you.

1.Bar induction heating furnace is safe and reliable
The large bar induction heating furnace uses the principle of electromagnetic induction to heat the workpiece, and the heat is fully utilized, and there is basically no loss. The heat is accumulated inside the heating workpiece, the surface temperature of the electromagnetic coil is slightly higher than room temperature, and the safety protection function of the induction heating equipment is fully equipped, and the production safety of the staff is guaranteed.

2.Bar induction heating furnace ist energy efficient
Large bar induction heating furnace adopts internal heating method. The inside of metal workpiece is directly heated by electromagnetic induction. The average preheating time is shorter 60% than the resistance circle heating mode. At the same time, the induction heating efficiency can save power 30%-70% than resistance coil heating in the same conditions, greatly improving the production efficiency.

Load characteristics – IF induction heating equipment generally uses parallel resonant electric furnace. In the parallel resonant load shown in the figure above, when the value of inductance L (inductor) and the compensation capacitor are determined, the natural frequency of the resonance is determined. As the impedance of the load (inductor) changes, the natural frequency also changes. The frequency will low when the the furnace is empty. When the furnace is full or heating cold billet, the frequency is high.

Overseas manager: Tom Wang

Phone: 0086-13303078975(whatsapp, wechat,line)

Specialist of induction heating equipment and system in China; Glad to be your business partner in induction heating field.

Post time: 05-05-2018