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What does induction heat treating equipment include?

What does induction heat treating equipment include?


If you are the first time to buy induction heat treating equipment, we believe most buyers are not very clear about induction heat treating equipment. 

For different induction heat treating equipment of different work piece, the configuration is different. Such as induction melting system, it generally includes incoming line transformer + the rectifier + inverter + resonant capacitor + furnace body + cooling system.Such as the induction hardening machine, it generally includes  induction heating power supply (rectifier, inverter, resonant circuit, inductors), machine tool parts, part of cooling water, quenching liquid spray part and so on.

For Forever Furnace induction treating equipment, the whole system includes automatic feeding device and discharging system, IF power supply, induction heating furnace, infrared thermometer, transformer, capacitor. In addition, we can also equip water cooling tower according to user’s requirements.

This news is from Forever-steel slab heat treatment supplier. Any questions about our induction heat treating equipment, please link to our website:

Post time: 05-20-2016