Phone: +86-13303078975

Specific quotation of medium frequency induction heating equipment, direct consultation!

Now how attractive is the investment in induction induction heating equipment? From the perspective of manufacturers, more and more users come to buy machines. Many middlemen have joined the ranks of production suppliers, which shows how attractive their investment value is. Manufacturers in different regions offer different prices, and in recent years has ushered in several waves of price increases, at present, many high-quality metal steel prices have been rising. Pingping no surprise steel, after heat treatment processing, the price doubled, to create higher economic returns for you, so the induction heating equipment project is still very promising investment prospects.

Metal steel has different specifications, materials and so on. According to these different specifications and materials of metal steel, the induction heating equipment manufactured by the manufacturer has a variety of styles, including steel bar heating equipment, steel tube heating equipment, steel bar heating equipment, billet heating equipment, aluminum bar heating equipment and so on. The whole set of medium frequency induction heating equipment consists of medium frequency power supply, storage rack, conveying system, heating system and control system. The manufacturer supports customization and provides technical solutions and quotations according to the workpiece size, process requirements and production efficiency of users.
If you want to know more about the actual operation of medium frequency diathermy furnace, you can come to the factory for inspection.
FOREVER Machinery and Electrical Co., Ltd. will spare no effort to provide you with pre-sale, mid-sale and after-sale service. Before-sale, a special person will explain all kinds of medium frequency heating equipment information for you free of charge, and provide you with free planning and production line service. During the sale, we welcome you to visit on the spot at any time, and provide you with reliable equipment and preferential quotation. After-sale, we will install commissioning equipment for you free of charge, and support long-term after-sale.
We are free 24 hours to answer for you!

If you want to know more details,just visit our website:



Overseas manager: Tom Wang

Phone: 0086-13303078975(whatsapp, wechat,line)

Specialist of induction heating equipment is glad to be your partner in the field of induction heating.

Post time: 03-18-2019